Portfolio operations

In Nomad Capital we are focused on operational value creation. We deliver critical support to portfolio companies and investment teams we engage with across a spectrum of specialty areas through our specific value creation approach.
Consistent with the firm’s culture of alignment with limited partners and management teams, these services are offered to portfolio companies on a constant basis, among others:
-opportunities to enhance or improve a company’s organization, operations, and infrastructure
-situations that require efficiency and productivity initiatives to grow earnings and create a better company
-opportunities to create market-leading platforms capable of substantial organic growth and growth via acquisitions
Leveraging Nomad Capital experience
Expertise and network to help strengthen and grow our portfolio companies we aim to create value across our portfolio and for our stakeholders by:
- Scale and Network
- Differentiated Portfolio
- Exceptional Talent
We create value
by engaging with portfolio companies from the very beginning of our partnership — offering expertise, support, and resources to position each company growth. Our team offers companies capabilities and expertise and support across a wide range of functional areas:
Talent and Leadership
Brand Strategy and Transformation
Data Science
Go-to-Market, Sales, and Networks
Supply Chain and Operational Excellence
Spend Management and Procurement
Environment, Social and Governance